What is a Dark Night of the Soul?

Image contrasting existential crisis with dark night of the soul


In the previous few posts, we have been looking at existential crises. In this post, we will look to understand the differences between a dark night of the soul and an existential crisis.

Both involve profound questioning and introspection, but they stem from different origins and impact individuals in unique ways. Understanding these distinctions can help those experiencing these intense periods of doubt and confusion to find the appropriate support and strategies for coping. This post will delve into the differences between a dark night of the soul and an existential crisis, exploring their causes, symptoms, and resolution approaches.

What is a Dark Night of the Soul?

A dark night of the soul is a term often associated with spiritual or religious experiences. It refers to a period of deep spiritual desolation, loss, and inner turmoil. The term originated from the writings of St. John of the Cross, a 16th-century Spanish mystic and poet, who described it as a stage in the journey towards spiritual union with the divine.

Characteristics of a Dark Night of the Soul

  1. Spiritual Crisis:
    • A profound spiritual struggle, often involving feelings of abandonment by a higher power.
    • A deep sense of disconnection from one’s faith or spiritual beliefs.
  2. Loss of Meaning:
    • A sense of emptiness and purposelessness in spiritual practices and beliefs.
    • Feeling that previous spiritual experiences and practices no longer bring comfort or meaning.
  3. Intense Inner Turmoil:
    • Deep emotional pain, sorrow, and despair.
    • A feeling of being lost or in a void.
  4. Transformation and Renewal:
    • Despite its painful nature, a dark night of the soul is often seen as a precursor to spiritual awakening and transformation.
    • The process can lead to a deeper, more authentic connection with one’s spirituality or faith.

What is an Existential Crisis?

An existential crisis involves a period of intense self-examination and questioning about the meaning, purpose, and value of life. It is often driven by philosophical concerns and a desire to understand one’s place in the world. Existential crises are typically more secular in nature, although they can intersect with spiritual questions.

Characteristics of an Existential Crisis

  1. Philosophical Questioning:
    • A deep inquiry into the meaning and purpose of life.
    • Questions about personal identity, free will, and the nature of existence.
  2. Sense of Meaninglessness:
    • Feeling that life lacks inherent purpose or value.
    • Struggling with the notion of a universe that may be indifferent or chaotic.
  3. Anxiety and Depression:
    • Feelings of deep anxiety, despair, and hopelessness.
    • A sense of isolation and detachment from others.
  4. Search for Authenticity:
    • The crisis often leads to a quest for a more authentic and fulfilling life.
    • Encourages individuals to align their actions and values with their true selves.

Key Differences Between a Dark Night of the Soul and an Existential Crisis

  1. Source of Distress:
    • Dark Night of the Soul: Primarily spiritual in nature, involving a deep sense of spiritual desolation and loss.
    • Existential Crisis: Philosophical and psychological, centred on questions about life’s meaning and purpose.
  2. Focus of Questioning:
    • Dark Night of the Soul: Focuses on one’s relationship with the divine or spiritual beliefs.
    • Existential Crisis: Encompasses broader existential questions about identity, purpose, and the nature of existence.
  3. Emotional Experience:
    • Dark Night of the Soul: Characterized by intense spiritual pain and a sense of divine abandonment.
    • Existential Crisis: Marked by existential anxiety, depression, and a sense of meaninglessness.
  4. Outcome and Resolution:
    • Dark Night of the Soul: Often leads to spiritual awakening, renewal, and a deeper connection with one’s faith or spirituality.
    • Existential Crisis: Results in a quest for personal authenticity and a more meaningful and purposeful life.

Coping with a Dark Night of the Soul

  1. Spiritual Practices:
    • Continue or adapt spiritual practices, even if they feel empty at the moment.
    • Engage in prayer, meditation, or contemplation to seek solace and guidance.
  2. Seek Support:
    • Talk to a spiritual advisor, mentor, or counsellor.
    • Join a supportive community or group.
  3. Embrace the Process:
    • Accept the dark night as a natural part of the spiritual journey.
    • Trust that the process can lead to growth and transformation.

Coping with an Existential Crisis

  1. Philosophical Exploration:
    • Read philosophical works that explore existential themes.
    • Engage in discussions with others who are also questioning life’s big questions.
  2. Therapeutic Support:
    • Seek therapy or counselling to explore and understand the crisis.
    • Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and existential therapy can be particularly helpful.
  3. Reflect on Values and Goals:
    • Identify core values and passions.
    • Set meaningful and achievable goals that align with these values.

See also How to Understand and Navigate the Challenges of an Existential Crisis


While a dark night of the soul and an existential crisis share similarities in their intensity and the profound questioning they involve, they are distinct in their origins and focus. Understanding these differences can help individuals seek the appropriate support and strategies for navigating these challenging periods. Whether through spiritual practices, philosophical exploration, or therapeutic support, both experiences offer opportunities for deep personal growth and transformation.

How to Navigate an Existential Crisis

A maze on grid paper with a person drawing their way through it - discarded paper lies around the edges


An existential crisis can be a daunting and overwhelming experience, marked by deep questioning of life’s purpose, meaning, and direction. While challenging, this period of introspection can also be transformative, leading to significant personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself. This article will provide practical advice and strategies to help you navigate through an existential crisis, find clarity, and ultimately emerge with a renewed sense of purpose.

Understanding an Existential Crisis

An existential crisis involves a profound questioning of one’s existence, values, and beliefs. Common triggers include major life changes, personal failures, traumatic events, and milestone ages. Symptoms often include deep anxiety, depression, a sense of meaninglessness, and intense self-reflection. Understanding the nature of an existential crisis is the first step in navigating through it.

Are you suffering an existential crisis or burn out instead? See this post for more information.

Strategies for Navigating an Existential Crisis

  1. Embrace Uncertainty
    • Accept Not Having All the Answers: It’s important to recognize that it’s okay not to have everything figured out. Embracing uncertainty can alleviate some of the pressure and open you up to new possibilities.
    • Be Open to Exploration: Allow yourself to explore different perspectives, ideas, and experiences. This can help you gain new insights and gradually build a sense of meaning.
  2. Seek Support
    • Talk to Trusted Friends or Family: Sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone you trust can provide comfort and perspective. Sometimes, just having someone listen can make a significant difference.
    • Professional Guidance: Consider seeking help from a therapist, counsellor, or life purpose coach. These professionals can provide tools and techniques to help you navigate your crisis and find clarity.
  3. Reflect on Personal Values
    • Identify Core Values: Take time to reflect on what truly matters to you. Understanding your core values can help you align your actions and decisions with what you find meaningful.
    • Live Authentically: Strive to live in a way that is true to your values and beliefs. Authenticity can bring a sense of fulfilment and purpose.
  4. Engage in Meaningful Activities
    • Pursue Hobbies and Interests: Engaging in activities that bring you joy and satisfaction can help you reconnect with yourself and your passions.
    • Volunteer or Help Others: Helping others can provide a sense of purpose and fulfilment, shifting your focus from existential doubts to positive actions.
  5. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
    • Stay Present: Mindfulness practices can help you stay grounded in the present moment, reducing anxiety about the future and regrets about the past.
    • Meditate Regularly: Regular meditation can promote inner peace and clarity, allowing you to better navigate your thoughts and emotions.
  6. Read relevant books
    • Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl contains his reflections on suffering, survival, and the quest for meaning which can offer profound insights for anyone grappling with an existential crisis. Frankl’s emphasis on finding purpose, even in the face of adversity, resonates deeply with those questioning life’s meaning.
  7. Set Meaningful Goals
    • Define Clear Goals: Setting achievable and meaningful goals can provide direction and motivation. These goals should align with your values and what you find purposeful.
    • Take Small Steps: Break your goals into smaller, manageable steps. This can make the journey less overwhelming and more attainable.


Navigating an existential crisis is a challenging but deeply personal journey. By embracing uncertainty, seeking support, reflecting on your values, engaging in meaningful activities, and practicing mindfulness, you can find clarity and purpose. Remember, it’s a process that takes time and patience, but with the right strategies and support, you can emerge with a deeper understanding of yourself and a more fulfilling direction in life. If you find yourself struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional guidance. Your journey to self-discovery and meaning is an important one, and you don’t have to navigate it alone.

How to Navigate Life’s Big Questions

A person sitting alone on a cliff, overlooking a vast, empty landscape

In today’s fast-paced and often overwhelming world, many people find themselves grappling with profound questions about their existence, purpose, and the meaning of life. This series of articles aims to delve into these deep and sometimes unsettling questions, offering insights, guidance, and perspectives to help you navigate your own existential journey.

What to Expect from This Series

Each article in this series will explore different facets of existential exploration, from understanding what an existential crisis is to examining how it differs from related experiences like burnout and the dark night of the soul. We will also look at practical ways to manage these crises.

We’ll be covering the following topics:

Understanding an Existential Crisis

  • We begin by defining what an existential crisis is, its common triggers, symptoms, and the profound impact it can have on an individual’s life. This foundational article sets the stage for deeper exploration into the nature of existential questioning.

Burnout vs. Existential Crisis

  • This article will differentiate between burnout and an existential crisis, helping readers understand the unique characteristics and causes of each. Recognizing the differences is crucial for addressing these issues effectively and finding the right path to recovery.

Navigating an Existential Crisis

  • Practical advice and strategies for managing an existential crisis will be the focus here. From embracing uncertainty to seeking support and reflecting on personal values, this article will offer actionable steps to help you find clarity and purpose.

Dark Night of the Soul vs. Existential Crisis

  • This article will explore the differences between a dark night of the soul and an existential crisis. While both involve deep questioning and transformation, they stem from different origins and impact individuals in unique ways.

Why This Series Matters

In times of existential questioning, it is essential to have access to thoughtful and balanced information that can guide you through the process. This series aims to provide a variety of perspectives and practical insights to help you understand and navigate your existential journey. By exploring these topics, we hope to foster a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world, ultimately leading to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Join Us on This Journey

We invite you to read each article in this series and engage with the content. Reflect on your experiences, share your thoughts, and explore the resources provided. Whether you are currently experiencing an existential crisis or simply seeking to understand more about this profound aspect of human existence, this series is designed to support you on your journey of self-discovery and purpose.

Stay tuned for our upcoming posts, and let’s embark on this existential exploration together.

Why personality type is important for life purpose discovery

In the last couple of articles, we looked at why it is important to know your personality type and how to find out yours. In this article, we’ll be looking at the interplay between personality type and life purpose.


Understanding your personality type is crucial for discovering your life purpose because it provides valuable insights into your natural preferences, strengths, weaknesses, and inclinations.

Life purpose and personality type

Here are several reasons why knowing your personality type can help you find and fulfil your life purpose:

  1. Self-Awareness: Knowing your personality type increases self-awareness. This understanding helps you recognize what environments, tasks, and roles you naturally gravitate towards and excel in. Moreover, self-awareness is the first step in identifying a life purpose that resonates deeply with your core self.
  2. Strengths and Weaknesses: Each personality type has inherent strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these can help you identify what roles or careers you are likely to succeed in and what areas you might need to develop further or seek support in. Aligning your life purpose with your strengths ensures greater satisfaction and success.
  3. Motivations and Values: Different personality types are driven by different motivations and values. Knowing your type can help you understand what truly motivates you and what you value most, guiding you towards a purpose that fulfils these intrinsic desires.
  4. Decision-Making: Personality type influences how you make decisions, whether you rely more on logic, emotions, or a combination of both. Understanding your decision-making style can help you make more informed and confident choices about your life direction.
  5. Compatibility with Environments: Certain personality types thrive in specific environments. For example, some people might flourish in structured, predictable settings, while others thrive in dynamic, high-energy environments. Knowing your type can help you seek out environments that will support your growth and happiness.
  6. Career Path: Many personality assessments, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), provide insights into career paths that are typically well-suited to different personality types. This can be a valuable guide in choosing a career that aligns with your natural tendencies and passions.
  7. Interpersonal Relationships: Understanding your personality type can improve your interactions with others. It can help you navigate relationships, communicate more effectively, and build a supportive network that aligns with your life purpose.
  8. Stress Management: Different personality types handle stress in various ways. Knowing your type can help you develop strategies to manage stress effectively, ensuring that you stay focused and motivated towards your life goals.
  9. Personal Growth: Recognizing your personality type can highlight areas for personal growth and development. By understanding your limitations, you can work on overcoming them, thereby aligning your life purpose with continuous self-improvement.
  10. Authenticity: Ultimately, knowing your personality type encourages you to live more authentically. It helps you understand and accept yourself, fostering a life purpose that is true to who you are, rather than who you think you should be.


In summary, understanding your personality type is a powerful tool in discovering and pursuing your life purpose. It provides clarity, direction, and a framework for making choices that are aligned with your true self, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

To find out your personality type, visit 16Personalities or Truity.

Why is it important to know your personality type?

Knowing your personality type is important for several reasons, as it can provide insights into various aspects of your personal and professional life. Here are some key benefits:

Self awareness

  1. Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses: Knowing your personality type helps you recognize your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to leverage your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
  2. Improved Decision-Making: With a clearer understanding of your preferences and tendencies, you can make more informed decisions that align with your true self.

Personal growth

  1. Setting Realistic Goals: Personality insights can help you set achievable and realistic goals based on your natural inclinations and motivations.
  2. Enhancing Emotional Intelligence: Awareness of your personality type can improve your emotional intelligence by helping you understand and manage your emotions better.


  1. Better Communication: Understanding your personality type and that of others can improve communication by highlighting different communication styles and preferences.
  2. Conflict Resolution: Recognizing how different personality types approach conflict can help in resolving disagreements more effectively.

Career development

  1. Career Path: Certain personality types are better suited for specific careers. Knowing your type can guide you towards a career that aligns with your natural preferences and strengths.
  2. Job Satisfaction: Understanding what motivates and satisfies you at work can lead to greater job satisfaction and productivity.

Team Dynamics

  1. Team Building: In a team setting, knowing the personality types of team members can help in assigning roles that match individual strengths, leading to a more cohesive and effective team.
  2. Leadership: Leaders who understand personality types can tailor their leadership style to better motivate and manage their team.

Stress management

  1. Identifying Stress Triggers: Different personality types react to stress in various ways. Knowing your type can help you identify and manage stress triggers more effectively.
  2. Coping Strategies: Personality insights can provide personalized strategies for coping with stress and maintaining mental well-being.

Learning and education

  1. Personalized Learning: Understanding your personality type can help you identify the learning styles and environments that work best for you.
  2. Skill Development: Knowing your natural inclinations can guide you in developing new skills in a way that feels more intuitive and effective.


Overall, understanding your personality type can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life by providing a deeper understanding of yourself and others, fostering better relationships, and enhancing both personal and professional development.

If you have enjoyed this article, you may like to read about How to Find Out Your Personality Type.

How To Find What is Essential to Your Life

In a world saturated with choices and distractions, identifying what is truly essential to your life can seem like a daunting task. However, this journey of self-discovery and prioritization is crucial for living a fulfilling and purposeful life. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you uncover what is essential to your life.

1. Self-Reflection

Understand Your Values: Start by reflecting on what matters most to you. Values are the core principles that guide your behaviour and decision-making. Common values include family, health, integrity, and personal growth. To identify your values, consider what makes you feel fulfilled and what you would defend at any cost.

Journaling: Writing down your thoughts can be a powerful tool for self-reflection. Spend a few minutes each day journaling about your experiences, feelings, and aspirations. Over time, patterns will emerge that can highlight what is truly important to you.

2. Simplify Your Life

Declutter Your Space: Physical clutter can often lead to mental clutter. Start by decluttering your living and working spaces. Remove items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy. This practice not only creates a more serene environment but also helps you focus on what truly matters.

Limit Distractions: In today’s digital age, distractions are abundant. Limit your exposure to unnecessary digital noise by setting boundaries for social media use, emails, and other non-essential digital interactions. Designate specific times for these activities and stick to them.

3. Identify Your Priorities

Set Clear Goals: Identify your short-term and long-term goals. Break them down into manageable steps and prioritize them based on their importance and impact on your life. Goals that align with your values are typically the most essential.

The 80/20 Principle: Also known as the Pareto Principle, this concept suggests that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Identify the activities and relationships that contribute most to your happiness and success, and focus your energy on these areas.

4. Mindfulness and Presence

Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness involves being present in the moment and fully engaging with whatever you are doing. This practice can help you appreciate the small, meaningful aspects of your life that you might otherwise overlook.

Gratitude: Cultivate a habit of gratitude by regularly acknowledging the positive aspects of your life. This practice can shift your focus from what you lack to what you have, highlighting the essentials in your life.

5. Seek Guidance

Mentorship: Seek guidance from mentors or individuals who inspire you. They can provide valuable insights and perspectives that can help you identify and focus on what is essential.

Therapy, Counselling or Coaching: Professional help can be beneficial in gaining deeper insights into your priorities and overcoming any mental blocks that might be hindering your journey to finding what is essential.

6. Embrace Change

Be Open to Change: What is essential to your life may change over time as you grow and evolve. Be open to reassessing and realigning your priorities periodically to ensure they still resonate with your values and goals.

Let Go of the Non-Essential: Learn to say no to commitments and activities that do not serve your essential goals. This can free up time and energy to focus on what truly matters.


Finding what is essential to your life is an ongoing journey of self-discovery, reflection, and prioritization. By understanding your values, simplifying your life, identifying your priorities, practicing mindfulness, seeking guidance, and embracing change, you can cultivate a life that is not only successful but also deeply fulfilling. Remember, the essence of a meaningful life lies not in the quantity of things we have but in the quality and significance of the things we choose to keep close.