Why personality type is important for life purpose discovery

In the last couple of articles, we looked at why it is important to know your personality type and how to find out yours. In this article, we’ll be looking at the interplay between personality type and life purpose.


Understanding your personality type is crucial for discovering your life purpose because it provides valuable insights into your natural preferences, strengths, weaknesses, and inclinations.

Life purpose and personality type

Here are several reasons why knowing your personality type can help you find and fulfil your life purpose:

  1. Self-Awareness: Knowing your personality type increases self-awareness. This understanding helps you recognize what environments, tasks, and roles you naturally gravitate towards and excel in. Moreover, self-awareness is the first step in identifying a life purpose that resonates deeply with your core self.
  2. Strengths and Weaknesses: Each personality type has inherent strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these can help you identify what roles or careers you are likely to succeed in and what areas you might need to develop further or seek support in. Aligning your life purpose with your strengths ensures greater satisfaction and success.
  3. Motivations and Values: Different personality types are driven by different motivations and values. Knowing your type can help you understand what truly motivates you and what you value most, guiding you towards a purpose that fulfils these intrinsic desires.
  4. Decision-Making: Personality type influences how you make decisions, whether you rely more on logic, emotions, or a combination of both. Understanding your decision-making style can help you make more informed and confident choices about your life direction.
  5. Compatibility with Environments: Certain personality types thrive in specific environments. For example, some people might flourish in structured, predictable settings, while others thrive in dynamic, high-energy environments. Knowing your type can help you seek out environments that will support your growth and happiness.
  6. Career Path: Many personality assessments, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), provide insights into career paths that are typically well-suited to different personality types. This can be a valuable guide in choosing a career that aligns with your natural tendencies and passions.
  7. Interpersonal Relationships: Understanding your personality type can improve your interactions with others. It can help you navigate relationships, communicate more effectively, and build a supportive network that aligns with your life purpose.
  8. Stress Management: Different personality types handle stress in various ways. Knowing your type can help you develop strategies to manage stress effectively, ensuring that you stay focused and motivated towards your life goals.
  9. Personal Growth: Recognizing your personality type can highlight areas for personal growth and development. By understanding your limitations, you can work on overcoming them, thereby aligning your life purpose with continuous self-improvement.
  10. Authenticity: Ultimately, knowing your personality type encourages you to live more authentically. It helps you understand and accept yourself, fostering a life purpose that is true to who you are, rather than who you think you should be.


In summary, understanding your personality type is a powerful tool in discovering and pursuing your life purpose. It provides clarity, direction, and a framework for making choices that are aligned with your true self, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

To find out your personality type, visit 16Personalities or Truity.

How do you find out your personality type?

The previous article looked at why it is important to know your personality type. This article will focus on one personality type test although others are available.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely-used personality assessment tool that categorizes individuals into 16 distinct personality types based on their preferences in four dimensions:

The Four Dimensions of Personality

  1. Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I): This dimension describes where you get your energy from. Extraverts are energized by interacting with others and being in lively environments, while introverts recharge by spending time alone or in quieter settings.
  2. Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N): This dimension reflects how you perceive information. Sensors focus on concrete, factual information and details, whereas intuitives are more interested in patterns, meanings, and possibilities.
  3. Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F): This dimension determines how you make decisions. Thinkers prioritize logic and objective criteria, while feelers base their decisions on personal values and the impact on others.
  4. Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P): This dimension describes your approach to structure and spontaneity. Judgers prefer a planned, organized approach to life and decisions, while perceivers are more flexible, adaptable, and open to new experiences.

How to find out your personality type

To find out your MBTI personality type, you can take a MBTI assessment. Here are the general steps:

  1. Take a Test: There are several versions of the MBTI test available, both free and paid. The official MBTI assessment is administered by trained practitioners and can be taken online through the Myers-Briggs Company or other authorized organizations. There are also many free versions available online that can give you an indication of your type.
  2. Answer Honestly: The test consists of a series of questions about your preferences and behaviour in various situations. Answer the questions as honestly as possible to get an accurate result.
  3. Get Your Results: After completing the test, you will receive a four-letter code that represents your personality type (e.g., INFJ, ESTP). Each of the 16 types has a detailed description that outlines typical traits, strengths, weaknesses, and preferences.
  4. Reflect on the Results: While the MBTI can provide valuable insights, it’s important to remember that it is a self-reported tool and should be used as a guide rather than a definitive statement of who you are. Reflect on your results and see if they resonate with your self-perception and experiences.

More resources

Here are online resources where you can take the MBTI or similar personality assessments:

Remember, the MBTI is one of many tools that can help you understand yourself better and is most useful when combined with other forms of self-reflection and personal development activities.

Why is it important to know your personality type?

Knowing your personality type is important for several reasons, as it can provide insights into various aspects of your personal and professional life. Here are some key benefits:

Self awareness

  1. Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses: Knowing your personality type helps you recognize your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to leverage your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
  2. Improved Decision-Making: With a clearer understanding of your preferences and tendencies, you can make more informed decisions that align with your true self.

Personal growth

  1. Setting Realistic Goals: Personality insights can help you set achievable and realistic goals based on your natural inclinations and motivations.
  2. Enhancing Emotional Intelligence: Awareness of your personality type can improve your emotional intelligence by helping you understand and manage your emotions better.


  1. Better Communication: Understanding your personality type and that of others can improve communication by highlighting different communication styles and preferences.
  2. Conflict Resolution: Recognizing how different personality types approach conflict can help in resolving disagreements more effectively.

Career development

  1. Career Path: Certain personality types are better suited for specific careers. Knowing your type can guide you towards a career that aligns with your natural preferences and strengths.
  2. Job Satisfaction: Understanding what motivates and satisfies you at work can lead to greater job satisfaction and productivity.

Team Dynamics

  1. Team Building: In a team setting, knowing the personality types of team members can help in assigning roles that match individual strengths, leading to a more cohesive and effective team.
  2. Leadership: Leaders who understand personality types can tailor their leadership style to better motivate and manage their team.

Stress management

  1. Identifying Stress Triggers: Different personality types react to stress in various ways. Knowing your type can help you identify and manage stress triggers more effectively.
  2. Coping Strategies: Personality insights can provide personalized strategies for coping with stress and maintaining mental well-being.

Learning and education

  1. Personalized Learning: Understanding your personality type can help you identify the learning styles and environments that work best for you.
  2. Skill Development: Knowing your natural inclinations can guide you in developing new skills in a way that feels more intuitive and effective.


Overall, understanding your personality type can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life by providing a deeper understanding of yourself and others, fostering better relationships, and enhancing both personal and professional development.

If you have enjoyed this article, you may like to read about How to Find Out Your Personality Type.

Finding Your Life Purpose: Transcending Vocation and Career Paths


In the pursuit of a fulfilling life, it’s crucial to distinguish between your life purpose, vocation, and career. Each plays a distinct role in shaping your journey towards personal satisfaction and fulfilment. Let’s delve into these concepts to understand their differences and how they contribute uniquely to our sense of purpose and happiness.

Understanding Life Purpose

Your life purpose is the overarching reason for your existence. It’s the deeper meaning behind everything you do. It transcends mere job titles or daily tasks. Discovering your life purpose involves reflecting on your values, passions, and the impact you want to make on the world. However, unlike a vocation, which often focuses on skills and earning a living, your life purpose encompasses a broader sense of fulfilment and contribution to society.

Differentiating Vocation and Career

While your vocation refers to the occupation or profession you choose, your career encompasses the roles and positions you hold throughout your working life. Vocation is often driven by skills, interests, and market demand. In contrast, a career can involve upward mobility, advancements, and achievements within a chosen field. Both vocation and career are important aspects of your professional identity. However, they may or may not align perfectly with your life purpose.

Finding Alignment and Purpose

The key to a fulfilling life lies in aligning your vocation and career with your life purpose. When your daily work aligns with your deeper values and passions, you experience a greater sense of satisfaction and meaning. However, it’s important to recognize that not everyone’s vocation or career will perfectly mirror their life purpose. Sometimes, your life purpose can be expressed through hobbies, volunteer work, or personal relationships outside of work.

Embracing the Journey

Discovering your life purpose is a journey that involves self-reflection, exploration, and sometimes trial and error. It’s about understanding what truly motivates and inspires you beyond financial rewards or societal expectations. Moreover, this journey may require stepping outside of your comfort zone, seeking new experiences, and embracing change. Ultimately, it’s a process of growth and self-discovery that can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.


In conclusion, while vocation and career play important roles in our lives, they are not synonymous with our life purpose. Your life purpose is the deeper reason for your existence, guiding you towards personal fulfilment and making a meaningful impact on the world. By understanding the distinctions between these concepts and seeking alignment with your values and passions, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and purpose that leads to a more satisfying and enriching life.

If you enjoyed this article, check out our life purpose programme.

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