How to Create Your Best Life using Design Principles

Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, authors of “Designing Your Life,” introduce an exciting way to think about our lives. By borrowing an idea from product design called prototyping, they show us how to test different paths before making big decisions. This method involves creating small, early versions of a product to test and improve it. Similarly, when applied to life, prototyping allows us to experiment and refine our choices.

What is Prototyping in Life Design?

Prototyping in life design means taking small steps to explore new ideas before fully committing. Burnett and Evans see life as a series of experiments. Each prototype helps us test and refine our choices, ensuring they align with our values, passions, and goals.

Steps to Prototyping Your Life

  1. Pick Areas to Explore: First, identify parts of your life you want to change or try out. This could be a new career, a hobby, or a different lifestyle.
  2. Brainstorm Ideas: Next, think of various ways to explore these areas. This might include trying a new activity, volunteering, taking a short course, or talking to people in the field you’re interested in.
  3. Create Prototypes: Then, develop small, low-cost versions of your ideas. For instance, if you’re considering a career change, take a relevant class or shadow someone in that job.
  4. Test and Get Feedback: After creating your prototypes, engage with them. Notice how you feel and what you learn. Additionally, ask for feedback from others involved.
  5. Refine and Iterate: Finally, use the insights and feedback to adjust your approach. Tweak your prototypes, combine ideas, or discard options that don’t work for you.

Why Prototyping is Useful

  • Less Risk: First and foremost, testing ideas on a small scale reduces the risk of making big, irreversible decisions.
  • Clarity: Furthermore, prototyping gives you real-life insights, helping you understand what you truly want.
  • Confidence: Additionally, successfully testing ideas boosts your confidence and shows you can make positive changes.

Real-Life Examples

  • Changing Careers: Instead of quitting your job immediately, start by freelancing or volunteering in a new field.
  • Learning: Before committing to a degree, try online courses or workshops to see if you like the subject.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Considering a big move? Test it out with a short-term stay in the new city.

If you enjoyed this article, try Can Essentialism lead to a more meaningful life?

Can Essentialism lead to a more meaningful life?

In a world cluttered with endless tasks, responsibilities, and distractions, finding true meaning and purpose can feel like an elusive dream. Greg McKeown’s “Essentialism – The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” offers a powerful antidote to this modern malaise. This book review explores how “Essentialism” can transform your life by helping you focus on what truly matters.

The Core Idea of Essentialism

At its heart, “Essentialism” is about discerning what is essential and eliminating everything that is not. McKeown argues that by focusing only on the most important tasks and activities, we can achieve more meaningful and fulfilling lives. This disciplined approach to life encourages us to reclaim control over our choices and align our actions with our highest values.

Key Principles of Essentialism

  1. Explore and Evaluate: McKeown emphasizes the importance of exploring a wide range of possibilities before committing to any one path. This involves saying ‘no’ to good opportunities so we can say ‘yes’ to great ones.
  2. Eliminate Non-Essentials: Once you’ve identified what is essential, the next step is to remove anything that does not support those priorities. This might mean cutting out tasks, commitments, or even relationships that drain your energy and focus.
  3. Execute Effortlessly: With fewer distractions, you can apply your energy more effectively. McKeown offers practical strategies for making execution as easy as possible, such as establishing routines and setting boundaries.

Why Essentialism Matters

In today’s fast-paced society, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of demands on our time and attention. “Essentialism” provides a roadmap to reclaim our lives from this chaos. By focusing on fewer things, we can invest in what truly brings us joy and fulfilment. This book is not just about doing less for the sake of it, but about doing less to achieve more of what matters.

Practical Applications

Implementing the principles of “Essentialism” can lead to significant improvements in both personal and professional realms. For example:

  • Work: Prioritize tasks that align with your core responsibilities and goals. Delegate or eliminate low-impact activities.
  • Home: Focus on quality time with family and activities that nurture your well-being.
  • Personal Development: Invest time in learning and experiences that contribute to your growth and happiness.


Greg McKeown’s “Essentialism – The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” is more than just a productivity guide; it’s a manifesto for a life well-lived. By embracing the principles of essentialism, you can find greater meaning and purpose, reducing stress and enhancing your overall sense of fulfilment. If you’re seeking a way to navigate the complexities of modern life with clarity and intention, “Essentialism” is an invaluable resource.

Embrace the disciplined pursuit of less, and discover how much more meaningful your life can become.

If you enjoyed this article, try How to Create Your Best Life using Design Principles

How to Bring More Creativity into Your Daily Life

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for creativity can be challenging. However, infusing your daily routine with creative practices can significantly enhance your overall well-being and productivity. Here are some practical tips to help you bring more creativity into your daily life.

1. Start Your Day with a Creative Ritual

Begin your morning with an activity that stimulates your mind and sets a positive tone for the day. This could be journaling, doodling, or even a brief meditation session focusing on creative visualization. Starting your day with creativity can help you approach the rest of your tasks with a fresh perspective.

2. Embrace New Experiences

Stepping out of your comfort zone is a powerful way to boost creativity. Try new activities, visit different places, or engage in unfamiliar hobbies. These new experiences can spark fresh ideas and inspire you to think outside the box.

3. Create a Dedicated Creative Space

Having a specific area in your home or office designated for creative activities can encourage regular engagement with creative tasks. Make this space comfortable and filled with items that inspire you, such as art supplies, books, or musical instruments.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can help clear your mind of distractions and enhance your focus. A clear, calm mind is more receptive to creative ideas and solutions. Try incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine to create a mental environment conducive to creativity.

5. Incorporate Playfulness

Allow yourself to be playful and curious. Engage in activities that you enjoyed as a child, like drawing, playing games, or building things. Playfulness can reduce stress and open up your mind to new possibilities, fostering a more creative mindset.

6. Limit Distractions

In our digital age, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by constant notifications and information overload. Set aside specific times to disconnect from technology and engage in creative activities. This uninterrupted time can lead to more profound and innovative thinking.

7. Collaborate with Others

Collaboration can significantly enhance creativity. Working with others exposes you to different perspectives and ideas. Whether it’s brainstorming with colleagues or participating in a creative workshop, collaboration can stimulate your creative juices and lead to exciting new concepts.

8. Keep a Creativity Journal

Document your ideas, inspirations, and creative projects in a journal. This practice not only helps you keep track of your creative thoughts but also allows you to reflect on your progress. Reviewing your journal can provide insights and spur further creativity.

9. Seek Inspiration from Different Sources

Read books, watch films, listen to music, and explore art that is outside your usual preferences. Exposure to diverse sources of inspiration can broaden your thinking and ignite your creative spark. Make it a habit to regularly consume varied content that challenges and excites you.

10. Stay Curious and Open-Minded

Curiosity is the foundation of creativity. Always ask questions, explore new ideas, and stay open to different viewpoints. Cultivating a curious mindset can lead to continuous learning and creative growth.

Incorporating these strategies into your daily life can help you tap into your creative potential and enrich your everyday experiences. Remember, creativity is not a talent reserved for a few; it’s a skill that can be nurtured and developed with practice and intention. Start integrating these tips into your routine today and watch your creativity flourish.

How To Find What is Essential to Your Life

In a world saturated with choices and distractions, identifying what is truly essential to your life can seem like a daunting task. However, this journey of self-discovery and prioritization is crucial for living a fulfilling and purposeful life. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you uncover what is essential to your life.

1. Self-Reflection

Understand Your Values: Start by reflecting on what matters most to you. Values are the core principles that guide your behaviour and decision-making. Common values include family, health, integrity, and personal growth. To identify your values, consider what makes you feel fulfilled and what you would defend at any cost.

Journaling: Writing down your thoughts can be a powerful tool for self-reflection. Spend a few minutes each day journaling about your experiences, feelings, and aspirations. Over time, patterns will emerge that can highlight what is truly important to you.

2. Simplify Your Life

Declutter Your Space: Physical clutter can often lead to mental clutter. Start by decluttering your living and working spaces. Remove items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy. This practice not only creates a more serene environment but also helps you focus on what truly matters.

Limit Distractions: In today’s digital age, distractions are abundant. Limit your exposure to unnecessary digital noise by setting boundaries for social media use, emails, and other non-essential digital interactions. Designate specific times for these activities and stick to them.

3. Identify Your Priorities

Set Clear Goals: Identify your short-term and long-term goals. Break them down into manageable steps and prioritize them based on their importance and impact on your life. Goals that align with your values are typically the most essential.

The 80/20 Principle: Also known as the Pareto Principle, this concept suggests that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Identify the activities and relationships that contribute most to your happiness and success, and focus your energy on these areas.

4. Mindfulness and Presence

Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness involves being present in the moment and fully engaging with whatever you are doing. This practice can help you appreciate the small, meaningful aspects of your life that you might otherwise overlook.

Gratitude: Cultivate a habit of gratitude by regularly acknowledging the positive aspects of your life. This practice can shift your focus from what you lack to what you have, highlighting the essentials in your life.

5. Seek Guidance

Mentorship: Seek guidance from mentors or individuals who inspire you. They can provide valuable insights and perspectives that can help you identify and focus on what is essential.

Therapy, Counselling or Coaching: Professional help can be beneficial in gaining deeper insights into your priorities and overcoming any mental blocks that might be hindering your journey to finding what is essential.

6. Embrace Change

Be Open to Change: What is essential to your life may change over time as you grow and evolve. Be open to reassessing and realigning your priorities periodically to ensure they still resonate with your values and goals.

Let Go of the Non-Essential: Learn to say no to commitments and activities that do not serve your essential goals. This can free up time and energy to focus on what truly matters.


Finding what is essential to your life is an ongoing journey of self-discovery, reflection, and prioritization. By understanding your values, simplifying your life, identifying your priorities, practicing mindfulness, seeking guidance, and embracing change, you can cultivate a life that is not only successful but also deeply fulfilling. Remember, the essence of a meaningful life lies not in the quantity of things we have but in the quality and significance of the things we choose to keep close.